Slowly Verhalen
Penvriendschap die je alleen op Slowly kunt vinden
Je zult denken dat we het hebben over 2-3 jaar van vriendschap. Oké, het is nog maar een maand en er zijn ongeveer 100 brieven uitgewisseld ...
All Hail SLOWLY - Without you people none of this would have happened.
Everytime she used to say that she couldn't imagine waking up one day and not seeing that a letter was arriving from me, she'd feel upset about it...
Our friendship travelled from “Warm Regards” to “Tons of Love”...
I think one day both of us will be Hemingway and sit on the same bus without recognising each other.
Op het laatst vond ik haar. Ik zwaaide naar haar door het raam, dit was onze eerste ontmoeting.
No she’s not my significant other, she’s not my best friend either. But she’s extremely special...
Whatever we talk about, whatever we do or see we find each other in it. I’ve connected with this woman on so many levels...
We did a small collaboration with a little bit of free time we had. I drew us as a cartoon bear and an owl, and she colored it in as a surprise.
Sharing secrets, worries, fantasies and ambitions Bobak and me have become true friends and have since then never stopped writing letters to each other.
Vanwege deze geweldige vriendschap kan ik deze app ten zeerste aanbevelen aan alle vrienden die ik dagelijks zie.