🇧🇩 Bangladesh
Nothing is off the limits with Slowly. There is a plethora of topics I can discuss here without people judging me.
🇵🇱 Poland
With Slowly, I connected the whole world. Through the music.
Reconsidered & grey witch
🇩🇪 Germany & 🇵🇠Philippines
Thanks for leading me to the other end of my red strings, Slowly.
🇧🇷 Brazil
Thinking about how we probably would never meet in any other occasions, if not for Slowly, makes me wonder how did fate set this up?
🇺🇸 United States
I met the love of my life using Slowly...
🇮🇳 India
She actually listened to what I had to say and think in times when real world colleagues and friends didn’t find the the time or care too...
Start connecting with the world now!
4.7 8M+