
Slowly Verhalen

Vriendschappen die je alleen op Slowly kunt vinden

I don't necessarily think that my story is as exciting or optimistic as others but I do want to tell my story if it gets out there...

As a journalist, I love getting to know more about people and how they experience life. Slowly, however, allowed me to go beyond what I expected.

Deep down, I think everyone longs to find out what's beyond the confines of their own cultureโ€”the huge world at large.

When I started interacting with people again, I noticed that I was able to have better conversations, and connect to people on a deeper level.

It was on a stormy and rainy night. Some thunder was to hear every now and then.

Nothing is off the limits with Slowly. There is a plethora of topics I can discuss here without people judging me.

I will only tell people who are reading this story to never stop sending letters, you never know who is missing you.

Unlike my brief message, M wrote a long piece of letter, telling me about everything about her hometown, feeling curious about the island Iโ€™m from...

Just try your best to search for your "light" in the darkness. It will be worth it to fight for it- trust me!

When I want to learn more about a country, I simply send letters to people from there and ask anything I can think of.

You could say Slowly led me down a rabbit hole, which ended in an emotional Rollercoaster xD

I can visit amazing places and talk to people without having to leave my room.


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